Then they can't receive any more e-mail. Third, some e-mail programs limit the size of file attachments. Your e-mail message may not get sent if the file is too large, or it may bounce back to you. Graphics and sound files tend to be quite large, so send these with care. Think about distribution lists. You may want to send an e-mail to several people at once. The best way to do this is to use a list. Start a blank text file. Start listing all the e-mail addresses you want included in the list, separated by a comma and a blank space. Cut and paste the distribution list into the "To," the "CC," or the "BCC" field in your e-mail client. Be sure to use your own e-mail address in the "To" field. That way you will receive an e-mail to verify that it was sent! The advantage to the @BCC field is that everyone on your list will receive a copy of your message without the entire list appearing in the header. Distribution lists are not intended for spamming purposes. It's often the practice to include instructions on how to be removed from a distribution list for those who don't wish to receive future mailings. Do not spam! Spam is the e-mail equivalent of junk mail, and spamming is the practice of sending out unsolicited bulk e-mail. Some e-mail systems let you filter out unwanted mail, but they're not perfect. And nothing gets people angrier than seeing their inbox fill up with junk every day. Do your part to help by not spamming others. And report any spam you get to your Internet Service Provider -- @ISP. Group communication is no different from sending out a single e-mail. But sometimes it's hard to tell what good Netiquette is when joining a new online group. As always, it's important to follow the basic rules above, but each group has its own quirks and customs. Here's some general advice for dealing with new group Netiquette situations. When you're new to the area, it's best to observe for a moment before diving into the mix. When you enter a new chat room, or when you want to post something to a bulletin board for the first time, stop and look around. The best way to get a feel for the correct group Netiquette is to see what the people around you are doing. Another good way to find out what's going on is to look for a @FAQ, About, or Help page. Privacy is another issue on the Internet.